.. Dragonchain Getting Started documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Nov 7 09:36:43 2019. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. Documentation on getting started developing on Dragonchain. No blockchain experience necessary! .. Uses Google's style guide (https://github.com/google/styleguide/blob/gh-pages/docguide/style.md). Dragonchain History ======================================================= .. image:: static/Dragonchain-Timeline.png Created at Disney in 2014, our primary focus is solving business problems at Enterprise scale. We offer secure and fast deployment of blockchain-powered solutions interoperable with any external blockchain, legacy system, application, or IoT device or sensor hosted in any cloud or on-premises environment. We designed the platform to be independently scalable as well as sustainable for any entity, business, or organization. Written in any coding language, our smart contracts can transfer, automate, or verify any type of value and/or information. Getting Started with Dragonchain ======================================================= Get started with a Dragonchain business node; no blockchain experience necessary! If you want a quick introduction to the Dragonchain APIs you can read our `Quick Start section.`_ In this guide you will learn how to create your Dragonchain business node, start creating transactions, and see cryptographic proof of those transactions packaged into blocks. You will also learn about smart contracts, Interchain and Dragon Net. Learning these concepts will give you a solid foundation to begin creating a blockchain application using the Dragonchain platform. License ------- Dragonchain's base code is licensed as open source under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You can view `Dragonchain’s full license here.`_ Contributing ------------ Have a feature you would really like to see on Dragonchain? Feel free to contribute to our GitHub repository, open issues or make suggestions. By contributing to Dragonchain, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0. `See more on contributing here.`_ Core Developer Documentation ------------ For an in depth guide on deployment and development within the Core Dragonchain Platform, please see `Core Developer Documentation Pages.`_ Community --------- Please feel free to join us on `Den.social`_ for general question about Dragonchain. For technical questions please email info@dragonchain.com Follow us on `Twitter`_! .. _Dragonchain’s full license here.: https://github.com/dragonchain/dragonchain/blob/master/LICENSE .. _See more on contributing here.: https://github.com/dragonchain/dragonchain/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md .. _slack channel: https://forms.gle/ec7sACnfnpLCv6tXA .. _Den.social: https://den.social/l/Dragonchain/ .. _Twitter: https://twitter.com/dragonchaingang .. _Quick Start section.: docs/quickstart.html .. _Core Developer Documentation Pages.: https://dragonchain-core-docs.dragonchain.com/latest/ .. toctree:: :caption: Table of Contents :maxdepth: 2 docs/quickstart docs/architecture docs/installation docs/concepts/transactions/transaction-types docs/concepts/transactions/transactions docs/concepts/blocks docs/concepts/smart-contracts docs/concepts/interchain docs/concepts/dragon-net docs/concepts/api-keys docs/api-reference